Thursday, 25 March 2021

What disqualifies you from buying a gun in Maryland?

The federal law has created a national standard in terms of every citizen's eligibility regarding acquire and possession of firearms. In federal law, if any citizen has been convicted of any domestic violence or not in a stable mental condition, then he is generally prohibited to either purchase or possesses any firearms. Even anyone convicted of a felony or under any court order is also barred from purchasing any arms and ammunition. Let's check what disqualifies you from buying a gun in Maryland?

The Secretary of Maryland State Police is clear not to allow anyone for purchasing a gun if he has any of the following issues:

If he is under 21 years of age

If he has not completed any firearms safety training course

If he is a participant in any straw purchases anytime.

If he has been convicted in any criminal case or any domestic violence

If he has been convicted of any conspiracy for committing a felony or in any Maryland classified felony

If he is a drunkard by habit

If he is addicted to any dangerous drugs

If he has any history of violent behavior or any mental disorder

Overall, suppose any citizen is not mentally fit, and there remains the slightest doubt about any bad intention he can do with firearms. In that case, he is generally not allowed to purchase a gun in Maryland. Further, the crime track record is also verified while buying a gun. If you had any violent instances, then there is a lesser chance of obtaining a gun legally in Maryland. If he has been convicted of any crime under common law or is addicted to dangerous drugs, he cannot buy a gun in Maryland.

For the sake of integrity and to protect other people, such protections are taken. These preventive measures usually help a State to be safe and secured. There remain rules that need to be obeyed, especially for firearms and ammunition. Else, everyone will possess a gun, and ultimately chaos will break out in the state. To protect those and save others' lives, there remain aspects that disqualify you from buying a gun in Maryland.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Is training required to own a gun?

As per the statistics, around 60% of the owners have received formal training on the use and safety issues of firearms, including the gun. The rest of the people used to receive informal training either from their friends or anyone in the family. There is no federal law that one has to receive safety training whenever any licensed arm is purchased. Still, sometimes formal safety training proofs are required to use the arm and ammunition safely. If you ask, is training required to own a gun, and then the answer will be a hybrid one.

On one side, there is no such strict enforcement of the law where one mandatorily has to undergo safety training for keeping a gun, but on the other hand, if training is received, one can understand how to use the guns safely and timely. This is more or less like a driving test where one rests assured to drive a car after learning the same from any driving school. Similarly, one should have formal training on the functional usage of a gun once purchased. It will teach you the basics of gun operation and several other minute details that might be required in a time of emergency.

Such training usually covers the gun's operation, handling most safely, cleaning, and repairing the gun. These are the basic things one should know if he has a gun with him. The physics of the gun is also important to understand the overall system. Equally, you must be aware of the firearm laws, rules and regulations as per your state. The best practices to keep your gun away from your children should be followed rigorously.

The general impact of such a training program is to deliver important information to the owner to use the gun as per the condition. Several accidents can be avoided, and one can have a peaceful life despite having arms at home. Proper training followed by all the do's and don'ts are necessary to maintain safe practices. This is the answer if you ask is training required to own a gun. 

Friday, 5 March 2021

A brief guide to Maryland handgun qualification license (HQL)

Maryland issues permits on state level to authorize a person carrying a gun concealed. This permit is issued by state police. Private firearm sellers handle transfer of firearms through a licensed dealer or designated law enforcement agencies who conduct the background checking of the buyer. Is it hard to get a concealed carry permit in Maryland? The law permits concealed and open carry in Maryland only for Maryland wear/carry handgun permit (WCHP) holders. It is tough to fulfill all the parameters required for obtaining the permit, but it is not impossible.


Applicants need to be between to 21 years of age and must not have any history of convictions in the recent past. The candidate must not be an alcoholic or addict of harmful substances apart from prescribed for medical purposes. Must not have any history of domestic violence and must be of sound mental ability, and has successfully completed the Maryland police approved firearms training course within 2 years prior to submitting the original or renewal application. The applicant will need to seek a MSP qualified or certified handgun instructor and complete a 16-hour training course. Minimum 70% accuracy must be achieved by the applicant during the shooting portion of the training to pass. Apart from these criteria, the applicant must show a good and substantial reason to wear, carry or transport a handgun, without which the permit application will be rejected.

Process of Application

The applicants can download the application form online from the Maryland state police licensing division. The filled application form should be submitted along with other relevant documentation such as proof of training, livescan fingerprint, passport sized photos and the nominal application fee. After the initial background checks, the applicant will be asked to appear for an interview with an investigator, who will determine if the candidate needs to submit any more relevant additional documentation and will provide necessary advice concerning the application. After this process is complete, the licensing department will advise the applicant and issue the license.

The procedure is complex, but necessary to ensure gun safety and decrease of gun crime. The state police also keep a roaster that, subject to limited exceptions, lists the only handguns that dealers or any private sellers are allowed to sell.